Ivory Dental Group End of SUmmer NewsLetter 2016

Welcome to the Ivory Dental Group "End of Summer" Newsletter. We hope you've all had a great Minnesota summer! There is so much to do that I often don't know where to start. The lake, movies in the park, food truck fair, art fairs, Twins and Saints games...

There is not enough time to pack it all in!

I love putting together these newsletters. It's a great way to connect with all of you, our awesome patients! We believe that dental care is an intimate service that should be based on trust...and we make serving you our top priority! For some of you, we only get to see you briefly every 6 months...so hopefully these newsletter will allow you to get to know us a little better. You deserve to know more about us...the people behind the care you receive!

At Ivory We Like to Laugh...A Lot!

A Little Something For You!

I'm really excited about a great deal I found on electric toothbrush replacement heads (Sonicare AND Oral B)! They are usually really expensive...My last trip to target cost us $6 per replacement head! From now until the end of the year - we're going to be offering FREE replacement heads in the "Goodie Bag" we give you after your cleaning! Also, if you already had a cleaning in July/Aug and want a free brush head - Stop on by...We'll give you one, on us!

If you missed my video about electric toothbrush options...Check out the VIDEO above!

2016 Acheivements

Dr. Morse and I are very committed to advanced dental training and excelling in our profession! It was nice to see that we were recognized as being top dentists in our area!

Dr. Morse was Nominated "Top Dentist" in Minneapolis for 2016


Dr. Brenny was voted "Top 3 Cosmetic Dentists" In Minneapolis 2016

"I Love Ivory...it feels like going to a party...not the dentist! It's just so fun!" - Ivory Patient

What we've been up to...

Hello Everyone! I wanted to share a little bit about my life, and what's been going on thus far in 2016. My wife and I were really happy to have our first "Auntie Jessica and Uncle Cole Weekend" with our niece and nephew! The photo above is from out adventure walk by Minnehaha Creek. I also was happy to lecture to a group of graduating dental students...Dr Morse was there for moral support! During the summer my wife and I love to head back up north to lake country to visit family (we are both from the Little Falls area). The photo above is photo of our family cabin...it's my grandma's, who is 92! The cabin has been in the family for over 60 years! I included a photo of what it looked like when it was built back in the 50's.

Dr Morse and I have loved seeing Ivory grow. We just celebrated our 2 year anniversary, and we couldn't be happier with what Ivory has become. We are so proud of our ladies: Sheila, Tracey, Jen, Ruthie, Della and Linda. They are so caring and fun to work with! As a team, we went to a twins game together this summer!

Thank you for all of your support and feedback. We now have over 300 FIVE STAR reviews online. And, it's good to see that we're creating a special dental experience here at Ivory! We receive a TON of referrals from you guys, our current patients...thank you so much! It is the biggest compliment you can give. Have a great fall!



If you've ever wanted a straighter, brighter smile...ask us about our Invisalign (invisible braces) treatment!

Invisalign Success Story!

"LOVE my new smile! I am so happy with the crew at Ivory. They were so kind and fun to work with." - Bryan

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