Walker Evans Dustin Allen A4

Walker Evans was born November 3, 1903 in St. Louis, MO and died April 10, 1975.

His mother was Jessie crane Evans and his father was Walker Evans

Jane smith ninas was his first wife and Isabelle Böschenstein von Steiger was his second wife

Walker Evans went to Phillips academy for high school and for college he went to Williams college. Also went to France for a year to be a writer and came back and got interested in photography.

His main focuse of his pictures was the Great Depression he wanted to show the Great Depressions impact on people.

Took his pictures in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

His importance was he was on of the greatest photographers.

“Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.”

I appreciate his deepness in his pictures there not simple they have deep meanings.

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