Digital Portfolio Morgan Burggraf EDUc 240-004


My name is Morgan Burggraf and I am currently majoring in Elementary Education with a concentration in Science. I have always wanted to pursue a career that gives me the ability to work with and impact younger generations. This portfolio shows some of my beginning work as a teacher. Additionally, this portfolio demonstrates ways I have put together to use different technology throughout the classroom.

Interactive Student Response System

For this lesson, I used a Kahoot to receive direct feedback from the students. By using Kahoot, we evaluated what the students learned from the lesson on the phases of the moon in a timely manner. This allows us to know as soon as possible what the students learned from the lesson.

Lesson Objective: Given descriptions and pictures of specific moon phases, the student will be able to match the given with the correct phase with a 7 out of 8 accuracy.

Flipped Classroom Lesson

The Flipped Lesson was a lesson on the different parts of the plant. For the home activity, we provided an Adobe Spark that gave them complete instructions. In class, a race and powerpoint was used to review the different parts of the plant.

Lesson Objective: Given a ten question Kahoot, the student will be able to identify and label the different parts of a plant with an eight out of a ten accuracy.

Interactive Presentation

For this lesson, we used a NearPod to present a lesson on antonyms and synonyms. This provides direct feedback from the student right after the lesson was presented.

Lesson Objective: Given a word, the student will be able to identify and construct a list of appropriate synonyms and antonyms with 80 percent accuracy.

WebQuest Lesson

This WebQuest activity was presented through an Adobe Spark page. It allowed the students to interact with technology; however, it allowed them to collaborate in groups as well. Through this WebQuest, the student learned more about the Great Depression while applying what they know in a group project.

Lesson Objective: Given information about the Great Depression, the student will write a 2 paragraph description and a collage about the information with a 4 out of 5 sections of the rubric scored as "excellent".


Created with images by kyasarin - "blackboard writing chalk"

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