Healthy Rhythm

It's pretty well accepted that music can be used therapeutic, the purpose of this course is to explore the many strange and phenomenal effects that a simple rhythm can have on our physiology

Terchanoff says:"Music may fairly be regarded as a serious therapeutic agent; it exercises a genuine and considerable influence on the function of the body"

It is understood the emotional effects tonality and rhythm can exert over the human body. SO much so that many thinkers, healers, composers and philosophers have studied and spoke upon the specific keys and tones that can cause a physiological response

Aristotle, Pythagoras, Beethoven
The overall effect of keys in music is up to conjecture, do some research and see if you agree

According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as " Overall physical, mental, and social well-being and not just lack of disease or infirmity". Music is a form of Identity, it is social, it transcends cultural and language barriers and can communicate emotions where language fails

Several studies suggest that in the hospital setting that post-operation patients given periods of musical therapy had reduced need of opioid painkillers and topical analgesia . These patients exhibited a lowered pain level as well as lowered anxiety and improved mood as compared to the control group that wasn't given the experimental therapy.

The emotional/physical response of music can be measured by the release of "reward hormones" (cortisol and dopamine for example) associated with pleasure. It can also effect Testosterone levels , further enhancing mood and productivity

In a study from England, it was found out that listening to background music significantly raised efficiency in a series of experiments involving repetitive-work.

According to Dr. Teresa Lesiuk, IT specialists who listen to music complete their tasks more quickly and come up with better ideas than those who don’t, because the music improves their mood and greatly reduces anxiety.

Multiple other studies on the subject have shown that background music can be used to improve cognitive functions and productivity (study, study, study).

The medical implications themselves are astonishing. Imagine that music, the organized vibrations that humans have beaten out of drums made of hide, or plucked from steel or nylon, or synthesized from 1's and 0's on a computer screen; something that is integral to society in of itself. A tool who's importance I'd put alongside that of fire or the wheel, can effect the human mind so strongly that it can be used to substitute for damaging chemicals to relieve pain and stimulate neural pathways for those who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, stress-related ailments, hypertension, dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and many other diseases and infirmities. Music has evolved alongside we humans and we're only scratching the surface on the influence it has over our hearts and minds


Created with images by Unsplash - "acoustic guitar guitar musical instrument" • SkyFireXII - "And I know you need music, more than you need love..." • ms.akr - "Learning to play" • UnnarYmir - "Music" • quapan - "Aristotle obscured & debunked head of the hellenistic Gironde" • tonynetone - "Archytas" • The Banff Centre - "Beethoven" • Dreaming in the deep south - "Peter - Initial Chemo" • RemazteredStudio - "drug cure medical" • rose.selavy - "Therapy" • WorldSkills UK - "Beauty Therapy"

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