
确保未来美国应对中共竞争优势的“药方” 【中英对照翻译】

作者:present danger china 应对中共国当前危机委员会;发布时间:September 11, 2020 / 2020年9月11日

翻译/简评:Beicy-数学老师;校对:文峰;审核:海阔天空 ;Page:拱卒


这是一份振奋人心的文件: 当委会(CPDC)第一次使用''中国共产党病毒'' 来代替新冠病毒。不仅如此,也是第一次颁布''灭共后时代''如何促使美国及全球复苏的计划。

自8月12日当委会发布第一篇消灭中共、确保美国利益第一的立场文件,这是当委会发布的此系列立场文件的第五篇。回看第一篇立场文件,在短短一个月内,当委会文件的内容已经从如何与中共脱勾、勾画灭共蓝图,到这次全面描述灭共后的首要的重建工作: 鼓励制造业回归美国并重新布局全球制造业,清除中共多年来在教育文化领域的渗透,利用新技术和得天独厚的能源优势促使美国经济以及整个世界经济的全面复苏。

这份文件的给出的方案以及郭文贵先生的歌声,都在宣告: CCP你完了!



Published On: September 11, 2020


发表于: 2020年9月11日



For Immediate Release | September 11, 2020

即时发布 | 2020年9月11日

Committee Offers Prescriptions for Assuring Future U.S. Competitiveness with the Chinese Communist Party


WASHINGTON, D.C.— As the United States begins at last to reckon with the cumulative effects of decades of “unrestricted warfare” against America’s economy, society and security by the Chinese Communist Party, the Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) has issued a series of short, highly readable and actionable “Position Papers” to chart appropriate responses (see here, here, here and here). The fifth in that series entitled, “Taking on the Chinese Communist Party: Securing America’s Future Competitiveness,” was released today.


The CPDC’s new analysis examines three critical determinants of our ability to remain the world’s foremost economic, military and geostrategic power in the face of the CCP’s determined effort to displace and, if necessary, destroy us. These elements of a whole-of-society response are:

当委会(CPDC)的新分析考察了研究了为保持(美国拥有)世界最重要的经济、军事和地缘战略力量的能力的三个关键决定性因素,以面对中共坚定地努力要取代我们 ,并在必要时摧毁我们。整个社会反应的这些要素是:

1. Technological Superiority and Industrial Self-Reliance: China is determined to dominate what its planners call the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Through predatory trade practices, it has hollowed out America’s industrial base. And it is aggressively pursuing transformational technologies, including through a budget adopted in May 2020 for a massive, $2.2 trillion state-subsidy. America’s response to date has largely been limited to regulatory measures to deny China access to critical technologies and exhortation of our allies to do the same, notably by excluding Chinese firms from key telecommunications infrastructure. It must do more by adopting and implementing a national competitiveness policy to address America’s urgent national security and commercial requirements. Key elements of such a policy would be:

1.技 术优势和工业自力更生:中共国决心主宰其规划制订者所说的第四次工业革命。通过掠夺性贸易做法,它挖空了美国的工业基础。而且它正在侵略性地寻求转型技术,包括2020年5月通过了提供2.2万亿美元的庞大国家补贴的预算。迄今为止,美国的反应主要限于监管措施,以拒绝中共国获得关键技术,并敦促我们的盟友也这样做,特别是将中共国公司排除在关键的电信基础设施之外。美国必须做更多的事情,通过采取和实施国家竞争力政策来解决美国紧急的国家安全和商业所需。这项政策的关键要素是:

  • Identify critical industries and potential shortfalls in supply.
  • Incentivize U.S. corporations to restore high-tech manufacturing and research capabilities to Cold War-levels.
  • Create an interagency Re-Shoring Task Force.
  • Double federal basic research investment, complemented by “patriotic investing.”
  • Develop and implement secure fifth-generation (5G) broadband technology and the construction of a U.S. “zero-trust” 5G network.
  • Develop and implement secure fifth-generation (5G) broadband technology and the construction of a U.S. “zero-trust” 5G network.
  • 确定关键行业和潜在的供应短缺。
  • 激励美国公司将高科技制造和研究能力恢复到冷战时期的水平。
  • 建立一个机构间重新分配工作队。
  • 联邦基础研究投资增加一倍,并辅以“爱国投资”。
  • 开发和实施安全的第五代(5G)宽带技术,并建设美国的“零信任” 5G网络。

2. Education: The Chinese Communist Party has placed a premium on education as a means both of indoctrinating/controlling its population and training and equipping the PRC’s workforce to achieve the militarily and commercially dominant position for which the Party strives. In addition, it has used various techniques to exploit America’s academic centers of excellence while undermining the U.S. educational system writ large. The United States must respond via, among others, these initiatives:

2. 教育:中共重视教育,这是对人民进行灌输/控制、培训和装备中国劳动力以实现党所争取的军事和商业主导地位的一种手段。此外,它使用各种技巧来利用美国卓越的学术中心(偷窃技术),同时破坏美国的教育体系。美国必须通过以下措施做出回应:

  • Institute a crash-program akin to the Cold War-era, federally funded National Defense Education Act to contend with the present and growing danger posed by the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Require colleges and universities to limit their foreign enrollment in favor of an aggressive effort to recruit and train Americans.
  • In order to be eligible for federal funding, colleges must not facilitate their penetration by CCP Confucius Institutes, students’ associations, Thousand Talents Plan recruits or undisclosed funds from the Chinese government or its citizens.
  • Address more generally and seek to reverse the cumulative effects in the U.S. academy of the cultural Marxists’ “march through the institutions.”
  • 制定类似于冷战时期的崩溃计划,政府性地资助《国防教育法》,以应对中国共产党当前和日益加剧的危险。
  • 要求大学和学院限制国际生人数,以便积极招募和培训美国人。
  • 为了获得政府资助的资格,大学不得促进其进入中共孔子学院,学生协会,千人计划的招募人员或中共国政府或其公民的未公开资金。
  • 更加从总体上解决问题并且力求扭转文化马克思主义者的“渗透机构行动” 在美国学术界累积的影响。

3. A Global Recovery Initiative: The Chinese Communist Party virus has set in train not only a globe-straddling public health crisis but an economic pandemic, as well. The United States can simultaneously accelerate its own national recovery, give a powerful boost to struggling economies worldwide and blunt the CCP’s efforts via its Belt and Road Initiative to colonize nations desperate for foreign investment and key commodities, notably energy and water. Thanks to the United States’ enviable status as the world’s largest producer of natural gas, it is uniquely positioned to seize this opportunity to accelerate the export of massive quantities of liquified natural gas (LNG). Specifically, America should:

3. 全球复苏计划:中国共产党病毒不仅在全球范围内引发了公共卫生危机,还引发了一场经济大崩溃。美国能够在加速本国(经济)复苏的同时,给全球苦苦挣扎的经济(复苏)提供强大的动力,并削弱中共通过“一带一路” 计划来殖民化那些迫切需要外国投资和关键商品(尤其是能源和水)的国家的努力。由于美国作为世界上最大的天然气生产国,其地位令人羡慕,因此,它有能力抓住这一机遇,加快大量液化天然气(LNG)的出口。具体来说,美国应:

  • Announce a Global Recovery Initiative (GRI) that will result in the widespread deployment of American-made jetty-less Offshore and Near-Shore LNG regasification, power and state-of-the-art desalination systems.
  • The United States can provide immense amounts of low-cost and environmentally friendly natural gas and clean water to hundreds of millions of people via these platforms. The U.S. Treasury can finance their manufacture in this country and deployment around the world at today’s extremely low interest rates and recover its investment from long-term sovereign contracts for the purchase of American natural gas.
  • Such an initiative will showcase America’s munificence – in stark contrast to the malevolence and opportunism that have become hallmarks of China’s mercantilist and hegemonistic Belt and Road Initiative.
  • The Committee on the Present Danger: China encourages executive branch officials, Members of Congress and their staff, the media and the public at large to view this and the Committee’s other Position Papers as prescriptions for a secure future for this country, its people and those of the Free World more generally.
  • 宣布一项全球复苏计划(GRI),该计划将导致美国制造的无码头近海液化天然气(LNG)再气化,电力和最先进的海水淡化系统得到广泛部署。
  • 美国可以通过这些平台向亿万人民提供大量低成本、环保的天然气和清洁水。美国财政部可以以当今极低的利率为在(美国)有制造业的国家和其制造业在世界各地的部署提供资金,并可以从购买美国天然气的长期主权合同中收回投资。
  • 这一举措将展示美国的慷慨——这与成为中国重商主义和霸权主义"一带一路"倡议标志的恶意和机会主义形成鲜明对比。


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】