The Life of Me Josh wills

I became a fetus at around the twelfth week of preganancy. I continued to grow and develop internal organs until around week forty. During my time as a fetus, I could recognize my parents voices and began kicking.
I was born about forty weeks into my mother's preganancy. As a new born I weighed about seven pounds and I could recognize the sound of my mother's voice. I could also recognize the voice of those close to my mother during her pregnancy. I could see and move as well.
As a toddler I was in the process of learning to sit up, crawl, and walk. This lasted a little over a year.
As a teenager, I am very impulsive and often take very risky behaviors. This is because the process of maturation has not taken its full effect yet. I often weigh the immediate benefits of what I do more than the consequences that will come.
In old age, my mustache will be fully grown and my hairline will recede. I will also struggle to recall information. I may even struggle with Dimentia or Alzheimer's disease.

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