Kiana Somer Krzycki Pre- Business Major

I am a Freshman from Orange County, California
I am Clemson University Cheerleader and have been cheering since i was 6 years old.
This summer I went to Europe for my senior class trip. We went to Amsterdam, Paris, London, and Dublin for 2 weeks.
This is a picture of my family. I am half Filipino and half Polish. I have one older sister who is 26 years old.
During High School, I was captain of my varsity cheer team and on an All Star cheer team called Pacific Coast Magic.
I enjoy going on vacation with my family to the lake and waking boarding.
My favorite fruit in the entire world is pineapple.
I am apart of Zeta Tau Alpha at Clemson.


Created with images by tpsdave - "california sunset dusk" • Orange County Archives - "Orange County flag design, 1968" • Pexels - "float floating fruit"

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