My Famous Photographer By gabe mcmullin

My Famous Photographers name is James Nachtwey. This man was born on March 14, 1948. He is still very much alive. He is 69 years old and very active.
James has the photography style of War. He sometimes goes into the battle field.
Some techniques that he used for his photography skills is that he only took pictures in black and white. Another is that he took pictures of only one or two things at a time.
Nachtwey is pretty much an independent photographer. He took pictures and showed them off on his own time in his own way.
James Nachtwey shoots his pictures with a Canon EOS-1V camera. He uses a EF f/4L Is USM lens.
James almost always uses natural lighting and always uses black and white filter on his lens. He uses it because it adds a sense of sadness to the picture to represent the sadness and the depression toward the war.
Nachtwey was a very talented individual. He taught himself his own art and owned his own photographs. He did them all by himself. The black and white. The angles. The lighting.
James has been in many wars. A lot of great ones, such as the Vietnam war. He has been to Romania, Bosnia, South Africa, Famines, and Kosovo.
What i like about this photographer is that he is very serious about his pictures. I really like that he uses black n white.

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