The importance of honor. by: Elizabeth morales

Honor can mean when you have made something great or a big difference in your life or yourself.The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a novel about a kid named Amir being a pashtun and Hassan being a hazara who's the son of Ali, Amir's father's servant. Hassan is a successful kite runner for Amir, he knows where the kite will land without watching it. In this book,Hosseini lets us know how honor feels like when at the end of the novel it shows that he finally prays for the first time and about someone other than him.
Throughout the novel,it shows that Amir is afraid of standing up for himself and he won't stand up for others like Baba.The importance of honor is that you have that one feeling when you achieve something after a long time.For example, when Amir first cared about someone else is when he realized that he isn't the same person and felt good about himself. "I didn't remember the last time I laid my forehead to the ground in prayer then i did remember; the day Dr.Amani gave Baba his prognosis. I had kneeled on the prayer rug, remembering only fragments of verses i had learned in school." This states that he felt surprised about praying for the first time and using his knowledge.

Hosseini tried to demonstrate through different characters that in life you are allowed to make mistakes, and eventually you will be given the time to correct the mistakes you have made, but wether or not you choose to its entirely up to you that is where the saying "There is a way to be good again" plays a very important role. In the book, honor is defined as a characteristic that true friends and family keep to one another. Baba perceives it as a part of his esteem with the example of the food stamps. Amir on the other hand perceives it as a privilege or to keep an agreement.

Also another example is when Amir moved back to Afghanistan to find and adopt his best friends son. That is when he begins to heal himself from his betrayal of his friend. It is what he decides to do when his dying uncle says "you can be good again.In the kite runner ,Baba abandons Hassan to protect his honor and name. This is revealed when Rahim Khan, Baba's close friend says, "It was a shameful situation. People would talk. All that a man had back then, all he was, was his honor, his name, and if people talked we couldn't tell anyone" (Hosseini).

This concludes that honor can be shown in many different ways and Hosseini tells us that even if you make mistakes in life you can still fix it because it all comes back to you.

Created By
Elizabeth Morales

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