Who represents the sage archetype at various points in the novel, and how does this person (or people) develop as they play a role in Amir's life? Kayla solis - 4th period

Amir has had so many horrible things happen in his life but this one specific person develops as they play a role in Amir's life.

The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini, Realistic fiction

The first person that develops in Amir's life is Rahim Khan. Amir feels that he constantly disappoints his father by not living up to his expectations. Baba feels that his son should be more courageous and follow the values that constitute a man. Rahim Khan is a second parent for Amir. When Baba ignores Amir, Rahim Khan is right there with an encouraging word. "As always, it was Rahim Khan who rescued me" (343) Also Rahim Khan helps expand Amir's understanding of ethnicity. He also tells Amir a story about how he almost married a Hazara woman and his family reacted very strongly and because of that Rahim Khan never married the woman, but the story lets Amir know that someone else he admires thinks of the Hazara ethnicity as equals.

Amir has not spoken to Rahim Khan for twenty years, and hearing from him visibly shakes Amir, he is upset to hear that Rahim Khan is ill but the call upsets him for another reason, which becomes clear when he takes his walk to Golden Gate Park and watches the kites flying. He realizes that Rahim Khan knows about everything that happened with Hassan evident in Rahim Khan’s comment to Amir that he knows of a way for Amir to be good again. By Amir knowing this Amir hearts hurts because Rahim Khan is like a second dad to him since he's always been there for Amir and motivating him like Rahim Khan said he would. "You know Rahim Khan said "one time when you weren't around, your father and I were talking. And you know how he always worried about you in those days. I remember he said to me Rahim, a boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up to anything. I wonder, is that what you've become?" Rahim Khan gives Amir three reasons why he should rescue Sohrab. One, because your father thought you couldn't stand up for anything and here's your chance to prove him wrong. Second, it's my dying wish that you rescue Sohrab. And third, Hassan was actually your half-brother, so you owe it to him. All these reasons add up and Amir agrees to rescue Sohrab. Of course the third reason seals the deal, but they're all important and end up motivating Amir.


Created with images by Peter Jackson's SL - Raw and fresh - "Dust Storms at AW !!" • CubanRefugee - "The Kite Runner" • Abhishek Singh Bailoo - "The Kite Runners" • AfghanistanMatters - "Kite Runners Wait"

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