BEACHTOPIA LIfe is better at the beach of perfection

Here in our community, we are determined to keep everyone safe, and for them to have an amazing life. We plan on making sure people who join live there life to the fullest. Our Community is located in the Bahamas, a island off the coast of Florida.

We have created this society to keep all of our citizens safe. we also plan on making sure everyone has a great life and lives it to the fullest. In our society there are certain rules everyone must follow. here is our top 10 rules.

1: Don't bring anyone down. (don't say offensive words or phrases).

2: Don't stay out past 11:30.

3: You can have up to 5 children, not anymore.

4: Must stay in school to at least 10th grade.

5: ALWAYS respect anyone older than you, (mostly your parents and the elders).

6: Can't date until 15 years old

7:Can have sleepovers at the age of 8.

8: Gets a bicycle at the age of 6.

9: Girls can wear makeup at the age of 13, and not any younger.

10: Each family gets 1 day out of the week to be with each other and do whatever they want, but it has to be as a family.

As an example, a family went for a walk out on the pier together.

Now that we have gone over our rules and what we expect here, we should probably mention how a daily life of one of our community members daily routine or schedule goes.

8:00-9:00: Has breakfast with their family.

9:00-10:00: Gets ready for the day ahead of them.

10:00-10:30: Has some sibling time with their siblings.

10:30-11:30: Does their morning chores (example: makes bedroom, brushes teeth, etc).

11:30-12:30: Has their lunch break.

12:30-1-30: Does their middle day chores (example: does dishes, cleans up lunch, vacuums, etc).

1:30-6:00: They get their freedom hours (where they could do whatever they want for a while, it could be with friends, or alone).

6:00-7:00: Dinner time.

7:00-8:00: preparation for bed (ex. Brushing teeth, getting into pajamas, etc).

8:00-10:00: movie time with your family, reading time, or homework time.

10:00-11:00- Lights out.

Thank you for your time, We hope you decide to come join our perfect society on a beach.


Created with images by tpsdave - "california sunset dusk" • Unsplash - "musha cay bahamas island" • jill111 - "family children woman" • pinasmall - "starfish sand bahamas"

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