At the begging of the year, Mr. Runnels gave us the task to build a VEX robot. In the picture there are many shelves and in those shelves there are the VEX parts and tools. Some of the parts were wheels, tracks, screws, bolts, motors, brackets and other parts you would need to build a working robot.

Here, this is the BEST robot. In October we had to build a BEST robot, and we were given a box of many different parts like, wood, glue, 1 wheel, motors, PVC pipe, and brackets. It took us quite some time to figure the robot out but once we got it all sorted out it was actually a fun and pretty easy robot to build.
In September, Mr. Runnels robotics classes had to build a homemade catapult. This picture was a group who used a winch to pull how the catapult. If I remember right it was one of the only ones that actually worked. The groups that worked the best was Justin Funk,Chancellor Thornton, and Donovan Osbourne. The used the most common type of catapult which you pulled the string down and it launched the soccer ball.
If you take a close look to this picture you will see in the back what looks like a globe and a jar of blue liquid. Here we had to build a Christmas present with a 3D printer. My group Derek, Levi, and I built a snowman snowglobe. We had Mr. Runnels print a snow man, and we glued the snowman to the lid of a mason jar. Next we borrowed some white glitter from Mrs. Hanna. After the we put oil in the jar and then put the glitter in there. Finally we silicones the lid to the jar and shook it up and it created a Snowman in a snowstorm.
Mr. Runnels was given a grant and with the grant he bought a 3D printer. Shortly after he got the printer, he was already printing stuff. Phone cases, cookie cutters, toy lions, and a christmas tree.
Today for our semester Mr. Russel had us clean up the science lab. Our job was to clean and organize the vex parts. We made great progress. Even though this was an easy semester test it took up a lot of time.
Once we got all of the stuff organized the Vex Robort area look a ton nicer and way easier to find parts.

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