Creating a shared file and Uploading to Google Drive Part of the "Abandoned Farmhouse" Poem Project

Take at least 15 well composed or arranged photos that will tell your message (example "Winter is coming"). These photos need to be uploaded to the Google Drive that you shared with your teacher. If you have set up your shared drive, follow the steps below. If you have not set up your shared drive, please talk to your teacher as soon as possible.

Open up your Google Drive, and look for the shared drive. The drive will be named Period. LastName.FirstName.English. If you are confused, you can look at the picture below to see many examples of correctly named files.

Double-click to open your shared folder. In the bottom right corner you should see a BLUE CIRCLE. Click on the circle and choose to ADD FOLDER.

In the New Folder window, type in the name Abandoned Farmhouse Photos and select CREATE.

Your screen will look very much like this.

Next, double-click to open the "Abandoned Farmhouse Photos" folder. Click on the CIRCLE BUTTON in the lower right corner and choose UPLOAD.

From the pop-up list, select PHOTOS AND VIDEOS.

Select the photos you want to upload for your project and then choose UPLOAD. Selected photos will have a blue check mark.

Check that all or your photos uploaded. When I tried to upload mine, I had to move them three of four at a time.


Created with images by Kim.Deslandes - "Abandoned"

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