Benefits of Full Day Kindergarten By alyssa dennis, lindsey friedman, Joyce Wu

Research shows that sending your children to full day kindergarten benefits them academically, socially, and behaviorally.

According to Beth Perdue Outland of the Indianapolis Business Journal, "a full-day program allows for an environment that supports a child-centered, developmentally appropriate approach to learning. It gives children time to explore topics in-depth, to complete activities in a relaxed manner, and to participate in hands-on learning. It also reduces the number of disruptive transitions children make between environments and care givers. Full-day kindergarten eliminates the need for--and cost of--midday crossing guards and bus service."

We believe that full day kindergarten will be easier for parents and kids. If given more time for kindergarten, it will make the day more spread out and relaxed for both the caregiver and child.

Another benefit for full day kindergarten will improve children's social skills and behavior by spending more time with kids their age, and they will start to mature quicker. They will be taught more discipline which would lead to benefitting the parents because everything would be easier to manage and will make their everyday life run smoother.

Full day kindergarten has been shown that kids will get a better education because their reading and literature skills will develop faster. This would be very effective in the years to come so they succeed in their later life. Reading will help them process words, new ideas, and concepts. As they get older, it would help them improve their learning rate and expand their vocabulary.

According to the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy, "in full-day kindergarten classrooms, teachers have more time to get to know kids and identify and address their learning challenges early—saving money and resources over the long term and increasing the odds that children will be successful later in school."

This idea will help the teacher not have to cram in everything at the last minute. Being more spread out will help the teacher so the children will have a better understanding of the lesson.

More parents have also expressed favor for full day kindergarten. Based on a study conducted by the Australian Journal of Early Childhood, "results showed that 62.7 percent of parents preferred full days of kindergarten for their child, while 34.3 percent of parents believed that half-days were best for their child."

Based on the reasons above, we conclude that full day kindergarten is more beneficial for the children, and the parents.

Created By
20Joyce Wu

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