Avalanches BY: TRUNG LE

Most people underestimate avalanches but in reality they are one of the most dangerous natural disasters in the world... Avalanches can reach 80 mph ( 128.748 km/h ) in a matter of 5 seconds. That's the amount of time you take to do 21 x 7!!!

There are ways to prevent death from avalanches if it occurs but there are no way to 100% protect you and keep you safe as the avalanches reaches a speed of above 100km/h in 5 seconds and an average reaction time of a human is 0.25 seconds and that is already 1/20 of the time that the avalanche reaches the 100+ speed.

In a matter of 5 seconds you could be squished by tons and tons of snow racing down the mountainside... There are many ways that can trigger a small avalanche. First if there is a small explosion or sudden movements can cause small avalanches that my do no harm or big ones depending on the size. When in a ton of snow diggers may not know which way is up or whch wayy is down. The many victims of an avalanche kept on digging only to realise they were digging the wrong way...

Created By
Trung L

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