Personality Comes To Life By: Sianna Sifuentez- morales

She was a bookworm, says the big bookcase

filled with different books of genre

A Hispanic girl too, says the “Day Of The Dead” move


Sign hanging above her head,

As she sleeps

A religious girl who loves her god says that brown diamond that says “God loves you, and so do I”

A girl who loves to watch the sunset,

Says the gigantic tree that shows a shining sun;

A beautiful girl too, says the pink frame mirror

With the slightly torn tag;

But not a organized girl, says the sloppy work of making

Her bed stuffed in between the pillows.

A girl who loves her home to the dearest,

Says the white door with comfort in the inside

And a girl who loves her dog as a companion

Says the picture of her dog doing tricks

And a Love sister says the loving comfort

Of her brother, and sisters hugging each other wirh a smile

She had a love for food, but jewelry says she loves her beauty.

Nothing could replace what she loved, or who she loves as her.

She had a great personality that nobody else could take.

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