2016 Annual Report Nashville Area Indian Health Service



I hope you have enjoyed reading our 2016 Annual Report. One of the highights of the year is producing this annual report for you. It provides us an opportunity to reflect back over the past year and realize how much we've accomplished in such as short time. With so much good work happening, it can be challenging to capture all the important work in just a few pages of a report. As we progress through 2017, we will continue to focus on impacting the lives of our customers. To accomplish this, we will focus our energy on key agency priorities. First, we will adopt the IHS Quality Framework to improve health outcomes for patients and provide a care delivery service all patients trust. Second, there are some things you have to see to appreciate, and I encourage staff to get out and see the work being done on the frontline. Lastly, we hope that the outcomes of the work we all do will speak volumes to the commitment to our mission. I'm thankful to be apart of the Nashville Area. Together with our staff and partners, we strive to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level.

Our Mission...

To raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level.

Our Goal...

To ensure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native people.

Our Foundation...

To uphold the Federal Government’s obligation to promote healthy American Indian and Alaska Native people, communities, and cultures and to honor and protect the inherent sovereign rights of Tribes.

Agency Priorities...

Developed with input from staff and Tribes as a strategic framework to focus agency activities and priorities for changing and improving the IHS:

» Assessing Care

» Improving How We Deliver Services

» Addressing Behavioral Health Issues

» Strengthening Management

» Bringing Health Care Quality Expertise to IHS

» Engaging Local Resources

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