Intro to Digital Photoraphy p1-19 "Ballin' on a Budget"

I like to take pictures of sporting events. I take them however i feel like. I edit them to be great. photography is important because it SHOWS what is going on in the world.

Before and after photos semester project.

these two pictures are pictures of cabinets. for my pictures the editing and exposure is not popping up. i tried to use symmetry for my comp. style.
this is the edit of picture 1. here are my changes to the picture. exposure:-2.15, contrast: + 30, shadows: -28, blacks: -28, and clarity :+20. edits done in adobe bridge.
these next two pictures are pictures of a computer and key board. adobe bridge is not showing my editing information. the composition style was leading lines.
this is the edit of picture 2: exposure: -1.40, contrast: +28, shadows: +20, whites: -50, blacks: -21
In this photo i took a picture of a 100 dollar bill. i was trying to use background.
In this photo i took a picture outside. I was looking for leading lines

this activity was cool in a way. it did show us the difference in manipulating light. it also gave us another chance to mess with bridge or even Photoshop for editing. It was a cool assignment.

this is a picture of a Russel Westbrook Christmas jersey. i highlighted the word thunder and the number 0 and darkened the rest of the picture. i made the corners as dark as possible and i tried to make the jersey a little lighter.

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