My Literacy History By Bailey Cormack

We all had our favorite books growing up, here are a few of mine...

The Giving Tree was probably the first book that was ever read to me. The Junie B. Jones series was the first chapter book I read on my own.
My parents used to read my sister and I their favorite children's books from when they were little. "Where the Wild Things Are" was my dad's favorite, and we would read it all the time.
I figured out what I liked reading about at a young age and started reading on my own a lot. Some of my favorite books to read when I first started reading by myself were;
Charlotte's Web was a book I read over and over when I was younger. I also read all of Roald Dahl's books, and most of Shel Silverstien's books as well.
This was also around the time I started keeping a "Diary"....Anyone else remember the Password Journal?

I was not the only 'writer' in the family, my aunt has a published book series, called Accessible

When I was in Junior High, I started to read books in a series. I read the Harry Potter series many times and also read the Hunger Games series.
Today, I still enjoy reading and writing a lot, here are some of my favorite books that I have read recently

The End.

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Bailey Cormack

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