Hinduism Chakra and Healing

Hinduism has no founder nor a date of origin. Its main deities are Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva. In Hinduism, the gods are not referred to as deities but as manifestations of the Ultimate Reality. Brahman is the creator, Vishnu the protector, and Shiva the destroyer. Though Brahman is a deity in itself, it can be shown in many other gods.
The main beliefs in Hinduism are the authority of Vedas (ancient texts in Hindu literature), the Brahmans (or priests), and that souls transmigrate after death to another reincarnation. Humans could be reincarnated as a cat, a dog, a goat; anything. What a human is reincarnated into all depends, however, on the standings of one's karma; whether it is good or bad and how much good and bad karma has been earned. Also, belief in a specific deity isn't always the main focus of Hinduism. Devout Hindus often follow principle gods such as: Shiva, Vishnu, and Shakti.
Important Texts
Ancient Hindu texts are in two different categories: "sruti" and "smruti"
The names of some important texts are Darshanas, Itihasas, Vedas, and Puranas. Each of these sets of text are Epics, philosophical caliber, Mythology, and Sectarian scriptures.
Hinduism's biggest societal impact in India is on the caste system. Its impact on the world is how old of a religion it is and how it makes people view life and the decisions made in life. It sets a list of moral code to go by in terms of the karma system.
Created By
Candace Watts


Created with images by 3dman_eu - "india figures hinduism" • sbtlneet - "diwali festival india" • Antranias - "hinduism gods god" • sambeet - "ganesha hindu god god"

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