Living a Life of Gratitude

I like to live a life of gratitude because it makes me feel good about myself. I love seeing people happy and that is what happens when you show gratitude.

My very own "10 Reasons to be Thankful"

1.) I'm Thankful for basketball. I'm thankful for basketball because I love the game and having fun with my friends.

2.) I'm thankful for Russell Westbrook because he is my favorite player in the NBA. He is one of the reasons I love the NBA and also love basketball. I love Russ so much that I mimic his moves and celebrate like him.

3.) I'm thankful for Jordans. I love wearing Jordans because they are comfy and look dope. And Jordan is the best player of all time (= best shoes of all time).

4.) I'm thankful for food. I love food because it helps me live (obviously).

5.) I love my Mom because she brought me into this world and always looks out for me. She is the most wonderful person in he world.

6.) I am thankful for James Naismith because he created the best game in the whole world. Everyone should be thankful for someone who created a great sport!

7.) I'm thankful for LeBron James because he is the best player in the world. I'm also thankful that he brought a ring to Cleveland.

8.) I'm thankful for my house because I would be homeless without it.

9.) I am thankful for water because I couldn't survive without it. So I;m blessed to even be able to have water at my house, in my school, and more places too.

10.) I'm thankful for Christmas Villages because they are my favorite decoration in the hole UNIVERSE!!!

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