Steve Jobs

Steve jobs was born february 24, 1955. He was born in San Francisco. His biological parents chose to put him out for adoption, and he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. When Steve Jobs was 2 years old the family adopted his sister, Patricia. four years later they moved to Mountain View, California. At the age of ten he was really into electronics and befriended many of the engineers in town. At this time he had a really hard time making friends his own age. It didn’t help that his classmates saw him as a loner.


In school he has been described as a little terrorist. He was for example playing pranks on the teachers. He actually got suspended a few times in elementary school. He did not misbehave because of problems at home or anything like that, but because he was bored. Only a toddler his mum had taught him to read. Since he learned to read as a toddler he didn’t get enough challenges in school, this changed when i startet in 4th grade. 4th grade was a fantastic year, personally he has told that this was the year he learned the most. He skipped 5th grade and startet in middle school. Here he became an socially awkward loner and was often bullied. At this point he would either move to another school or completely drop out of school. in 1967 His parents chose to sell their house and move to Los Altos, California. Here he went to Cupertino Junior High. It was here he met Steve Wozniak through his school mate Fernandez. As his biological mother wanted he went to college, but dropped out after a short time.


The first apple computer was made in Jobs garage with Steve Wozniak in 1976. It was first when the second computer came, the apple 2. Today we know apple as the company making our Iphones, macs and Ipads.

Sadly Steve Jobs passed away the October 5, 2011. He is a huge role model for many because he was seen as an outsider, but kept on going and doing what he liked to do. Every teenager who has felt like they are on the outside of society because they are different should look at Steve Jobs and keep on being them self. This is what makes him a role model.


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