Self Introduction 2016030701

I'm going to introduce myself. I hope you enjoy my Introduction. And i think that this is a chance to destroy your impression of me. I want you to know me of blood type is B.

I was born in Tokushima, and live in Ishii town. Ishii town has a cute "yuruchara" whose name is "hujikkochan". it has a facebook account. ※Hujikkochan is not a girl 🙅 and not a boy🙅‍♂️.
👆my town's park

I had a very happy birthday this year, because I got a cute necklace and a happy time, and a lot of snacks, a bag, and a birthday book 📚 from my friends.

My birthday is December 3th.
👆in a hotel of Naruto
I have three cats now. They're very very cute!! These young cats have become big🙀

I like foreign movies. 🎥 I don't watch Japanese movies,because I like car and gun actions very much💕but Japanease movies don't have gun actions. So I watch foreign movies. Surprised????????😏

Resident evil  is my best movie. I like resident evil very much. I'll go to Osaka December 29th to watch Resident evil Ⅵ. I can't wait. I'm looking forward to watch it. But I don't like holor.
This is the second most favorite movie. I like their gun action.
American Sniper is a touching movie. It's not just a gun action movie but a story of a kind man in Iraq war. He is the greatest sniper of Navy SEALs.
This is also about Navy SEALs. Act of valor was performed by real troops and with real weapons. I haven't watched this, so I would watch Act of valor if I watch a movie next.

Please tell me if you know other interesting movies.🙇🏻‍♀️

my friends!!!!!!!👱🏻‍♀️

These days I'm really into this👇

I want this plate.

Thank you for seeing my introduction.

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