Adobe Max 2016

Designing and Prototyping Better user Experiences with XD

Your brain is biased and subconsciously fills in details. Your instincts are often unique, forged by a lifetime of experiences.

A prototype's raison d'etre is gut reactions and discussion stimulations.

Design is the theory of experience
  • Exploration - Sketch quickly with few constraints.
  • Communication - Quickly pitch important features and problems solved. Then critique but do not propose solutions.
  • Validation - Use an outside source to verify solution's viability

User Interviews

  • Have three to five points you need data for
  • Know what good feedback / data looks like (have examples)
  • Make it okay for the user to destroy
  • (If external) use NDAs and get permission to record
  • Screen users to ensure you're talking to the right person
  • Acknowledge weirdness and move on quickly. Don't let it fester.
  • Be wary of using technical terms that confuse user
  • Don't talk down / mansplain
  • Build from general to specific. Ask related / relevant questions about a similar experience.
  • Check your physical / mental signals
  • Let them struggle, watch the failure
  • Have conversations, don't interrogate
  • Have a note taking strategy, use the same style for everyone
  • Keep as close as possible to an exact schedule

Web and App Design Tips for Photoshop

Start quickly with Adobe Comp, use a shared library to import that work to Photoshop

Did you know? You can change the default font in Photoshop by changing the font with no files open.

You can make layer visibility an item that displays in history

  • Alt click an art board to zoom
  • CMD comma to hid layer
  • CMD question to lock layer
  • CMD al comma show all layers
  • ESC to end typing

Try to try out and manage fonts

Responsive Design Beyond Our Devices

Move away from pages and page layouts to patterns

Create a network of content for any and all screen sizes

Design the priority and not the layout

Look into @Supports

You must be device agnostic

Create a style guide pattern library (use services like

Style guide generator roundup article

Tricks for Web with Photoshop CC

Paul is an adobe master

Shared libraries can be treated as quick and easy style guides

Export shapes as SVG directly from Photoshop

Photoshop CC 17 added free (and paid) templates that are worth looking at

Photoshop Character styles can be imported from libraries

Updating an item in a library auto updates all files that use that element

The Most Out of Lightroom

Everything is non-destructive

You can edit a smart preview without the actual photo on local / cloud storage

Organize by collections and not folders, the images can live wherever they like on the hard drive but be in one collection.

HDR can be accomplished with only two images

Boundary warp can help with panorama images

Want to use the same settings for the next image? Use "previous"

Jim Babbage is a lightroom master

Creative Spark

Stop. Breath. Look.

Do you have a reason for waking up?

Limits and constraints help give voice to a project

Art of the future comes from the art you create now

Breaks and restoration are as important as creation

Chris Orwig is inspiring

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