Elements Of Art Vicky Lopes


This represents tone, the buildings shows the different shades of colour & how its used.


This sculpture shows 3D shape & you can see the way she is positioned she looks very calm, her wings have a round shape to it , the tips of her fingers are pointy & the sculpture uses form.


There is different shades of colour in this picture, its bright & the buildings show the light and dark shades.


The texture in this image is the pealing paint & the rusty metal in the background that gives an effect to this image.


The background shows straight lines, the cricket has curved lines on his legs & body.


This shows positive & negative space because the girls face is moved to the side & when you look at the picture your eyes draw to her face but the photographer made the background is not that far to the girl.


Created with images by Grand Canyon NPS - "2010 Grand Canyon Celebration of Art 073" • Flachovatereza - "houses water south bohemia" • banclinicitzeer - "statue clay clay sculpture" • purysky - "colorful singapore" • JacekKrasodomski - "texture" • aismist - "DSC05793"

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