Victoria Briggeman My TrIp to Auyuittuq National Park

A picture I took.

It all started when I got to Canada. Tired out, we got off the plane at 8:45 AM, got breakfast, and started off to our adventure at Auyuittuq National Park. Very soon afterwards, it was so cold I had to wear multiple layers of sweatshirts under my jacket. My mom told me I looked like a sumo wrestler. The place was so cool! (No pun intended) people were on snowmobiles and i really wanted to go on one! But my dad said, "maybe, but don't get your hopes up." But guess what! We didn't get to go on one that day. By now, we went to have some lunch in a picnic area near by where we parked. Tuna sandwiches... meh... But I did like the chips. Just then, we did a little hike with a park ranger giving us a tour. My brother shoved my face into the snow and my face was all covered in it, which was melting down my face. My face was also red with anger, which made it look like I was crying. Lastly, we went to dinner a few hours later, basically at 5:30, and spent the rest of the night at our hotel room. The blankets were so fluffy!


Yay! The second day we are here. Although my feet are aching, I am excited to ride a snowmobile today! We got dressed and ate breakfast before we headed out. Suddenly, while we were driving, my mom and dad said, "we're gonna try mountain climbing today!" In unision. My heart dropped when I heard the word, "mountain climbing." I wasn't excited at all... Although I was worrying the whole time, mountain climbing was pretty fun. Well, kind of... I was sort of screaming the whole time in terror because I thought I was going to fall... Heh... we finally did snowmobiles. Finally! We did this for about 5 hours until we had lunch, which was BLTs! However, we finally had dinner and went back to our hotel room, watched some movies, and slept for the rest of the night. (Obviously)


The last day we are here... I'm pretty sad about that, but today will be great! I just know it! We started off by going to breakfast, as always, but then my little brother started arguing with me. Which ended with me smashing his face into a chocolate muffin. Yeah... I was going to be grounded for the rest of the week when we got back home. Very soon afterwards, we rented skis and went down a semi-steep hill. It was pretty fun! But I was still bummed out that I was being grounded. The rest of my family went to lunch, but I stayed at the ski hill until they got back, I still wanted to play and I wasn't hungry. We mostly relaxed and looked at the great sights of Auyuittuq National Park until we went out for dinner. Spaghetti is best! I was very upset that we were leaving the next day, so I stared out the window seeing the starts, all the way from our hotel room! My mom said I passed out around 10 pm next to the window. Welp, it was time to go that day... pretty sad about it, but I won't forget Auyuittuq National Park!


Created with images by dsearls - "2007_11_04_lhr-den_121.JPG" • Noel_Bauza - "snowmobile aurora auroras" • WikiImages - "the pleiades star cluster star star clusters"

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