Good life play By: Jack Solis

Jack Solis Constans theatre (2/2/2017)

In the picture above I was waiting in the lobby of the theatre to see The Divine: A play for Sarah Bernhardt. Soon after this picture was taken I began my descent down the stairs to the second row of the theatre. As I was walking in I honestly felt a little dead inside. The only plays I have enjoyed in the past were comedies so I would not say i was excited for this event in any way. As the play was about to start the theatre's lights dimmed and the audience quieted and I felt a little bit more optimistic. The size of the theatre gave it a sense of seriousness that I was not expecting. Place plays a role in the good life because it sets the tone for the event that is happening.

When I was attending the play originally I was going to it by myself but when I arrived sat with a friend from my lecture. It made the experience more social and more enjoyable, I was planning on just getting through the play by myself. I got ready for the play by writing down the pictures that I needed for this assignment. Attending this event with friends enhanced the experience by creating a shared experience with others. Shared experiences are important for reaching the good life because it helps in creating long lasting relationships with the people around you.

The theme addressed in the play is poverty in the early 1900s. It also addresses the problem with sexual abuse within the church such as the movie Spotlight. The sexual abuse within the church today is a wide known and documented problem within the organization but this play puts a face to this issue. I would not say the this subject matter has any relationship to anything going on in my life.

Jack Solis Constans theatre entrance (2/2/20177)

This play demonstrates the idea of katharsis because the play attracts an audience to address a real life issue that is socially uncomfortable. In fact, given the topic that this play is on, socially uncomfortable does not quite convey the magnitude of how disturbing this issue is. Theatre is a good way to display katharsis because it is capable of taking the darkest of topics and making them entertaining. This makes threatre truly unique.

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