Coke vs Pepsi Why we do it better

Strengths: Pepsi is described as "sweeter and smoother" than coke, promotions are lively and keep up with current times and trends. Weaknesses: Doesn't have as many flavor options as Coke.

Opportunities: Can open up more flavor options and colors of wrappers Threats: Coke has more flavor options, and more seasonal design.

I personally believe that overall, Coke does a better job than Pepsi. Although Pepsi is believed to taste better, their promotions, seasonal and special items, and interactive experiences such as contests do not compare with those of Coke's. I believe if they got more involved with their customers and made the product more fun, their company would do much better.


Created with images by JeepersMedia - "Soda" • sr_verde - "pepsi bottle drink"

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