The Creation of the Holy Roman Empire

Clovis was the first king of the Franks.

Pepin the Short was the king.

Charlemagne is the Frankish king.

Charlemagne brought people together reforming the laws.

Charlemagne was knows as King Charles l.

His mother was called Bigfoot Bertha.


Created with images by Jorge Lascar - "Central nave - Hagia Sophia" • Stifts- och landsbiblioteket i Skara - "Clovis" • david__jones - "Clovis, first king of France" • sybarite48 - "Jargeau (Loiret)" • frozenchipmunk - "Pepin the Short" • CircaSassy - "A school history of Germany: from the earliest period to the establishment of the German empire in 1871 (1874)" • CircaSassy - "A brief history of mediæval and modern peoples (1899)" • CircaSassy - "A school history of Germany: from the earliest period to the establishment of the German empire in 1871 (1874)" • CircaSassy - "A brief history of mediæval and modern peoples (1899)"

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