VR/AR By: Aiden Tooley

In 1968 Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull created the first VR and AR head mounted display that was connected to a computer which did not have a camera. The first one was too heavy and scary for people to comfortably wear on their head. Also the people wanted to create a video of where it looks like you really are but you aren’t really there. Which is like an illusion.

This was the first VR made in 1968 by Bob Sproull and his teacher Ivan Sutherland
This is the VR that is used today to play games. It is hooked up to PS4 and Xbox One.

As you can see in the video, the VR gradually grows over time from something with wired gloves to the one now and days that work really well. The VR has grown from a head mounted Virtual Reality to one where it is comfy and has games to play as well too. It went through NASA and now to today's time. Virtual Reality has come from a while away from generation to generation and to now.

Augmented Reality

This was the first Augmented Reality created by Ivan Sutherland and his student again Bob Sproull. Even though they created the Virtual Reality, but they realize that the other one wasn't as comfortable. But they weren't going to make it exactly the same, they made it so that you can see stuff in the room that you are in. For example, if you look around the room there could be a dinosaur in your room.
This is the AR today, it is used for so many things. Such as biking and skiing. It tells you where to go, it knows your location and it will tell you which way is harder and which way is easier to go. Like it is a navigation and if it wants you to turn left you can turn left, an arrow shows up to tell you where to turn. Also, it will show you what speed you are at and how long you have been traveling fro. It will tell you the time and the distance you have traveled.

This shows what the Augmented Reality goggles and what they do while you ride your bike.

Created By
Aiden Tooley

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