4-H Definition

People always ask what 4-H is and think it's boy/girls scouts or a boring organization. Well to me 4-H is broad.

Being a 4-Her is not just a title like most people think it is

It's a place to find out what you actually enjoy doing! There are so many different categories that you can do for example like welding, leather craft, baking, showing, etc.

It helps encourage you to work hard and make something that you never knew you could by handing you the 1st place slick, new car door smooth purple ribbon in your hand. It gives you pride in yourself.

4-H is an experience to make friends and help others!

4-H has taught people how to respect others, no matter who they are.

4-H helps people decide what they want to do in their future.

It teaches you so many life lessons it's crazy.

A true 4-Her is one who goes out of their way just to help someone, one who explores new hobbies to find the ones they enjoy, and ones learning speaking skills to use in life!

It's an honor!

It's a privilege to be in with great people and being able to take away so many life lessons.

According to Merriam-Webster 4-H is: of or relating to a program set up by the U.S. Department of Agriculture originally in rural areas to help young people become productive citizens by instructing them in useful skills, community service, and personal development.

Etymology: English, Stands for: head, heart, hands, and health

Source: "4-H" Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster


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