Good Life and Nature at FLMNH Darian's Experience

Nature On display

The design of the museum was frankly outstanding, and I couldn't pick between these two exhibits which I admired most. Both the cave exhibit and the butterfly garden granted me a truly unique experience with nature. They were designed to portray each environment as accurately as possible and they succeeded with flying colors. I felt as if I were immersed in the worlds of the animals on display. From the dark, damp, and vast cave to the lush and tranquil butterfly exhibit, it felt as if these worlds were brought to life in the very museum I was in. The butterfly garden really drew me in with its huge array of vibrant colored butterflies and the openness of the exhibit itself. It created a sense of calmness that made the trip truly pleasant. The cave drew me in with its mysterious dark caverns and the animals that were hidden throughout the surrounding forest. From these immersive exhibits, I was able to learn how these animals lived and the true beauty of their environment by experiencing it first hand. Seeing pictures, or even displays from a distance would not have granted me with the same opportunity of understanding these animals on a deeper level. I now understand that, although environments in the natural world can be drastically different, they all have their own natural charm that gives the world its identity. Being so close to the animals and their environments truly made the experience enjoyable in every way.

nature and ethics

I believe the Natural History Museum provided me the opportunity to experience nature in ways that Leopold described. I was able to appreciate nature on a new level by learning of its vastness and elegance from the displays. Walking through the exhibits, I was overwhelmed with awe, excitement, and determination all at the same time. I also observed that I wanted to help preserve nature, even with actions as little as picking up litter strewn about. Many others shared my reactions to the exhibits, while others observed them with bored, mundane attitudes. The museum allowed visitors to connect with nature by creating immersive environments that replicated the living spaces of animals, by displaying interesting and diverse fossils, and by displaying exhibits that portrayed human interactions with nature in the past. All of this sparked a fire of interest within me that drives me to learn more and more about nature and how to preserve it. Surprisingly, the museum instilled an ethical responsibility to nature within me and I couldn't be happier to learn how to help one step at a time. The natural world is a beautiful place and we should strive to keep it that way.

nature and the human spirit

The Natural History museum helps us step out of our ordinary lives by bringing us into new worlds entirely. We get to experience Everglade swamps, giant butterfly gardens, and even prehistoric lands filled with woolly mammoths. By taking a step out of our world and into the world of the museum, we are enriching ourselves in the uniqueness of our world as a whole. It helps us better understand ourselves by showing us our place within the world and how we relate to all of the lifeforms around us, small and large. We get to see how they live and compare our own situations with theirs. Although we can learn so much about nature from the museum, we also learn of the sheer size of nature itself and that there is still so much more to learn. Nature is mysterious, but only because we have yet to venture out and experience it for ourselves. The museum gives us a base knowledge so that we can go out and experience life to its fullest extent. The more we learn, the more we crave to know and the museum grants us the opportunity to experience the true majesty of the natural world. I have really grown because of my trip. I feel more connected with the world as a whole and I truly feel that I am one step closer on my path towards the Good Life.
Created By
Darian Arriaga

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