Completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline Addressed to: U.S. Department of energy.

With a very controversial pipeline such as the Dakota Access Pipeline, extremely informative public relations needs to be established. The public has labeled this pipeline as a project with bad intentions, when in reality the pipeline is much more economically and environmentally friendly than that of the current way the oil is transferred. Statistics have shown that pipelines are safer than shipping oil by trucks or rail. DAPL can replace five to seven 100- to 120-car trains that carry crude oil every day from North Dakota. Thats a lot of saved energy and saved energy means less pollution. The public needs to be informed.

One of but not the only huge controversies with DAPL is how the pipeline crosses under lake OAHE. The illustration above shows where the pipeline will cross the lake. At at least 95 feet under the lake bed DAPL will be the deepest and safest to leaks and other exposures compared to the other 7 pipelines that currently lie at the bottom of the lake not far under the surface.

DAPL does not cross standing rock sioux land nor does it disturb Indian ritual grounds. Through advanced surveying techniques this fact was confirmed well before the start of construction. The tribe believes contrary to this fact not helping with the public relations for the project. It's very important to set the facts straight.

The Dakota access pipeline is entirely underground for its entire length. Questions of the safety of the pipeline are easily tamed with this fact. Being entirely under ground shields the pipeline from the elements and the pipeline made of is very durable metal with a high capacity adding to its protection.

The public is very concerned about DAPL, protests are currently ongoing prohibiting work of the pipeline. Public relation is key to success of the pipeline and its legacy. The pipeline will be built but it's important not to put a scar on its name.

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