Debris on hiking trails hiding places for vipers

Many people love walking through the woods. There is something enticing about the outdoors. The woods on East Campus are no exception.
However, danger can result when the outdoors are not cared for.

For example, look at this fallen tree.

Along comes a happy hiker thinking he will just step over it.

And then...

This happens to him. Venom ruined his day. Probably his whole week, actually.

That is why trees fallen over the paths should be chopped up and placed off the trails,

and trash should be removed.

The woods on East Campus are not well cared for. perhaps if students received community service hours to do so, there would be more incentive to care for the woods, and more people could enjoy them.


Created with images by Antranias - "away forest forest path" • flyupmike - "allgäu autumn leaves" • U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region - "Path Through the Woods" • Mr B's Photography - "Through the Woods" • V.i.c.k.y - "The Path Through the woods" • rockyjack111 - "viper" • Lil Shepherd - "Fallen Tree" • dbking - "Ace Young, 2005/2006 American Idol Finalist" • 2ndPeter - "Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)" • christopdesoto - "amr ambulance" • Pixaline - "cut tree axe wood" • sfslim - "I’m always surprised by how much trash I accumulate during a single day of line sweeps, despite each individual item I pick up being minute. Hairs, tiny slivers of wood, pine needles (carried onto the playa in firewood bundles), string — it all adds up to" • Larry Smith2010 - "Small Copperhead 9-27-14"

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