Chapter 4 -Gregory Santangeli


I chose this picture because it represents the seconds of time to shoot a photo that it takes to make a difference in a photo.
Even thought I have been working on this photo for a while, I feel like it perfectly fits this theme. It shows that some things may take a while to make, but they make a huge difference.
This photo shows that the journey may take a while, but with the right guidance, you will achieve your goals.
This represents that some things are worth taking time to make.


For this photo, I decided to make the photo focus on the butterfly more. Along with this, I inverted the colors because it gave the butterfly an interesting look.
For this photo, I decided to crop the images so the dragonfly was larger and more visible. However, in order to keep the rule of thirds, I had to make the decision to cut off some of the vegetation in the background.
In this photo, I chose to crop my dog a little closer. I thought this helped the focus by diverting the focus to Rufus' (my dogs name) face instead of the couch. Also, by doing this, some of the shadow from the couch was removed.


Personally, I love photos with saturation, like my original, but here I tried to get an angle shot to add a cool temperature.
For this photo, I decided to add more background and log into the picture. This gave me the ability to play with a black and white and color contrast.
For this photo, I thought that taking the picture away from the log would help incorporate nature and add a cool perspective.

Thematic: Word ---> Peace, I chose the word peace because it inspires my photography since I love to photograph nature and animals.

The Mist of Solitude
A Peace of Normal Life
Are You Jellyous?
Eye See You

Here are some photos I liked when browsing the internet! (Just for fun!)

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