Beauty's Only Skin Deep Skin IS

Beauty means different things to different people. For me beauty starts inside and works it way to the external surface which is our skin. I have been a esthetician for 18 years. I love making people feel good and look better about their skin. After completing 10 months of training I went on to take advance courses in skin care. Some of which included make-up and paramedical skincare. I also was a co-owner and operator of an very successful paramedical skincare business for over 10 years. My business partner was diagnosis with cancer and after his passing I closed the business. Since than I have been selling skincare through network marketing, which I have been very successful in doing. I have also been helping young woman wanting to start a skin care business get their business plan set up and guiding them through the first year process of being a entrepreneur. My goal now is to be on social media sites to reach and teach people how to take care of their skin. I believe when you have been blessed to receive the skin care education I have you must pay it forward.

Created By
Vendie Neville


Created with images by stevepb - "hygiene cleanliness skincare"

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