I See America

I see America in friendly competition

I see america street racing their hearts away in Texas.

I see America playing baseball, White Sox cheerfully beating the cubs.

I see America voting, As Texas successfully votes for Trump.

I see America playing basketball, as Chicago Bulls takes on Miami Heat in a friendly game.

I see America singing, as people go face to face and see who has the most inspirational voice in in California.

I see America Fighting, as Conor Mcgregor faces Nate Diaz in Las Vegas.

I see America working, as Eduardo gracefully tries to beat the clock to finish his project in Lemont.

I see America running, as they run with big smiles and see who finishes first at the Chicago marathon.

I see America in Illinois, competing to see who puts the biggest smiles at the water parks

Finally i see America, doing what puts a smile on their face!


Created with images by DenaliNPS - "Denali, with US Flag at Eielson Visitor Center"

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