Fruit Recipes By: Nuno

Fruit Pancakes

Fruit pancakes are a great way to start off breakfast, but getting the fruit inside the pancakes can be surprisingly difficult. Stirring the berries or other fruits into the batter seems like the best way to combine the two elements, though stirring can cause berries or other to burst and discolor the batter.

Fruit Milkshake

Fruity and fresh, this drink makes the perfect on-the-go breakfast or snack. And strawberries are a great source of vitamin C.

Fruit Donuts

Vanilla-flavored coconut milk and a gluten-free flour combo sub in for the regular stuff in this recipe, making them dairy, egg, and wheat free but still divine.

Fruit Salad

It's a pineapple syrup combined with the juice of the fruit that makes the taste.

Fruit Pie

A spiced, sugared and delicious apple filling is spooned into a frozen crust, topped with aluminium foil and baked.

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