Hey Babe you have my fingers crossed for you <3

Babe, did you sleep well last night? I know you are a bit nervous, aren’t you? So am I! It is completely fine! It is actually good and it helps on performance, you know?

Just chill, okay? It is really not a big deal, at all.

Seriously, it is just another interview along the process. Nothing special. Don’t fool yourself by some so called “dream job”. There is no such thing like that on earth! (I used to think I got my dream job, but it is completely a lie) At the end of the day, it is just a job, not even a full time job, just an internship. Trust me, you may or may not even enjoy working there. Set your expectation low.

Most importantly, enjoy the interview process as much as possible, don’t even think about the result. Set your interview goal as something like: I wanna figure out whether I like this guy, whether I wanna work with him, whether he did a good job sharing his experience, and elaborating the job and the company well. So take control of the interview. Setting the right underlying tune is very important. It is your opportunity to assess him/company. At least, I think that way.

So, seriously, take a breath. You gonna be fine. You gonna do great. Believe in yourself. I wanna you to do below things right before the interview. A second year asked me to do this. It did help me a lot.

Go to the bathroom, and look into mirror. Take 3 deep breaths. Give yourself a big big Smile! Tell yourself, say it out loud: I look fantastic. I can totally do it. I am awesome. I believe in myself. I am the best! If not me, who else? (I know it sounds really cheesy, but it works! who cares? Just try! @_@)

Don’t feel embarrassed saying it out loud, it makes such a difference by walking out of the bathroom, with that smile on your face! Keep that smile during the conversation, even if your counterparty cannot see you! They can tell from your voice! It sets you apart from the crowds! (The MD from Moelis basically said, I was the last one he interviewed, and he was so exhausted by then. But as soon as he saw me smiling when I was introducing myself, he immediately gave me a plus score. It is true!)

And trust me, when you get offers sometime later down the journey and you flash back the days being so stressed and upset back then (which is what you are going through right now), you gonna laugh at yourself!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And be patient babe, good things take time. There is no way to rush it if you are seeking for long term. Be mentally and psychologically prepared that it might be a long process(or short) and do ignore all the noises around you. This is your exclusive journey to really discover oneself, accept oneself, be ok and be honest with oneself and become a better and stronger version of oneself. And I will always stand by your side and I will prepare myself for this journey too. (You studied psychology, so a piece of cake huh?)



Feb 2, 2017


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