Awesome drones BY harley,EsmErelda,manaee,Jermaine

Nano air vehicles are is a tiny aircraft that ment to look and fly like a humming bird

This is the nano air vehicle

The nano air vehicle was realeased to the public on February 17th 20011

This is the fire scout
These are cool pictures of the fire scout

The northan Grumman MQ-8 fire scout is a unmanned autonomous helicopter

This is a photo of the fire scouts first flight

This is the MQ-4C Triton

It is used for air SURVEILLANCE

This drone is used by the us navy

This is the M-Q 4C Triton on its first flight

It's first flight was on May 22, 2013

It's top speed is 357 miles per hour

This is RQ-7B shadow
Here's some pictures of the AAI RQ-7 Shadow
Its first flight was in 1991

It is used to keep a eye on what's happening during a battle for extended periods of time

It has a wankel engine

It was inraduced in 2002

This is the MQ-5B HUNTER

It was introduced in 1995

It provided survailence to people during battle to know whats go On

Wingspan. 34.25 ft (10.44 m)

Length. 23 ft (7.01 m)

It retired in 2005

This is the Lockheed Martin RQ-170 sentin

It is used by the united states air force
It is manufactured by lock heed martin
It was introduced in 2007 .
There has been 20 of theese built
Now i will show you the RQ-4 Global hawks
The rq-4 global hawk flying in 2007

The rq-4 global hawk was also known as Tier ll + when it was being developed

The equivalent-4 global hawk is used to for surveillance

It used by the United States Air Force

It's first flight was In the 28th of February 1998

Right now the rq-4 glowbale hawk is still in service

Now i will show You The MQ-9 reaper
The MQ-9 reaper is a drone used in combat

It's first Flight was On the 2nd of february 2001

It was first intrduced iN the First of may 2007. It is still being used.163 have been made as of 2014. Here are the people who use this drone

I will
Show you
The MQ-1 Predator
The Mq-1 predator MQ-1 Predator is an American remotely piloted aircraft
It was introduced in 1995. Its first flight was on the 3rd of July, 1994

Theese are the people who use this drone

The MQ-1 predator is still being used

They have built 360 predators

The MQ-1 preditor is highly used in war and battles

Thanks for looking at theese awesome drones

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