Web Portfolio Taylor Larkin

My name is Taylor Larkin, I am 22 years old and currently a second year student in the Marketing and Advertising Management program at Holland College.

The Marketing program at Holland College has allowed me to further pursue my dream of being an entrepreneur who, upon graduation, would like to get into sales and representing a brand. This would be a great career path to utilise my strong social skills and outgoing personality. I have a robust entrepreneurial background with many close family members owning and succeeding with their own business. I've played baseball for years on various well-disciplined teams that have refined my work ethic and leadership skills.

The purpose of this website is to become familiar with creating websites and the tools used for designing websites. The website will serve as an online interactive resume with sections like; about me, resume, my work, hobbies, blog, and a contact page.


About Me, My Work, Resume, Hobbies, Blog
Personal Logo- TL Media
People will be able to contact me through a contact page as well as links to my social media pages.


Created with images by cindydangerjones - "baseball field baseball gravel"

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