Secure City if you see something say something

Come live in our humble abode we will keep you safe and stay away from war and terrorism we will try to keep people equals. If you want to come live here you will have to pay us you lifesaving because we will not use money in this community. And your contribution will help keep us safe and will leave a place for your children.

This is the back side of our town.
We try to keep this town safe from fighting.

Some of the town rules are as follows is: There is no religion you will not argue about it .

Our town is in a remote location that will be disclosed when you have payed the fee to enter. But to give you some information it is in a safe place that has the right temperature all year.

We will have a great education system and time with the family and friends. All the houses will be the same on the outside but can be changed on the inside. So no fig`hting will appear.

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