TATTOOS ON THE HEART Taylor ramaekers

Chapter 2 Dis-Grace- "The theme of this chapter is dis-grace. What I got out of this chapter is that when we feel like a disgrace, God will always be there to save us from that feeling. My favorite story from this chapter was the story of Speedy's weekly trips to Barns and Noble. It is a great example of God taking away our shame. We all have to know that there is hope and God is completely capable of turning our lives around, even if it is as simple as changing our attitude. All we need to do is ask for it."

Chapter 7 Gladness- "The theme of this chapter is gladness. My perception of the topic is that God has put joy in this world and we need to grab ahold of that joy. My favorite story from this chapter was the story of Gregory Boyle's dad in the hospital smelling his wives pillow. He wasn't only seizing the joy in his life, he was doing it at a time that was probably hard to find joy. I took away the message that we need to be glad about life no matter what stage of it we are in."
Chapter 9 Kinship- "The theme of this chapter is kinship. To me this means that we need to realize that nobody in this world is less important than others. It should be important for us to recognize the potential in everyone. My favorite story from this chapter is of Bandit's daughter going to college. It brought to my attention that everybody, no matter their background, can become a success."

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