
我们应该追究中共政权的责任,因为我们是亲华派 【中英对照翻译】

作者:Benedict Rogers and Perseus 本尼迪克特-罗杰斯和珀尔修斯 2020年5月9日

消息来源:bright blue 《纯蓝》



简评:“中共并不代表中国,更不代表中国人民”,这句话在本文中得到了阐述;作者尼迪克特-罗杰斯, 《香港观察 》创始人和主席,也是保守党人权委员会副主席,在国际人权组织CSW工作。另一名作者为香港市民珀尔修斯(化名),一名自由职业摄影师,也是一名在人权和公法领域执业律师,他们深刻地向英文世界传达了这个观点,同样地,对中共的批评,也并不是批评中国和中国人民,相反批评中共的人,是对这政权的专制与邪恶。

在这次ccp 病毒全球大爆发过程中,正是由于中共的瞒报,谎报,推迟报道造成的,中国人民和世界人民都是受害者,这并不是中国人的错,错在极权统治的中共。中共这一70年的政权,在中华五千年历史长河中就是一小片度,单从时间长度上,它也无法代替中国(人),更何况本质上还是不同的概念;



We should hold the Chinese regime accountable because we are pro-China


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take its grip on the world, the political blame game has kicked off and is in full swing.


President Trump and his officials have referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus”, or the “Wuhan virus”, and a diplomatic spat has emerged between the White House and the World Health Organisation. The British Government has seemingly indicated that “China faces a ‘reckoning’”over their handling of the COVID-19 outbreak, covering-up the start of the outbreak. A China Research Group has recently been set up by senior Conservative MPs, led by Tom Tugendhart MP who explains that the group is needed to “promote debate and fresh thinking” in relation to China’s economic ambitions and global role, adding that the group would not be “anti-China”.

美国总统川普及其官员曾将COVID-19称为 "中国病毒",又称 "武汉病毒",白宫与世界卫生组织之间出现了一场外交口水战。 英国政府似乎已经表示,"中共国面临'清算'",因为他们对COVID-19处理,掩盖了疫情爆发的开始阶段。最近,英国保守党的资深议员成立了一个中国研究小组,由图根哈特议员领导,他解释说,该小组的成立是为了 "促进对中共国的经济野心和全球角色的 "辩论和新思考",他补充说道,该小组并不会 "反华"。

There is an increasing amount of commentary calling for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to take responsibility for the cover-ups and delayed responses which – it is argued by many – has caused COVID-19 to have a far wider reach than it would have had if the CCP had taken action before the mass exodus of those in China for Chinese New Year from the middle to the end of January 20 20.

越来越多的评论呼吁中共应为掩盖和延迟回应疫情承担责任,许多人认为,如果中共在2020年1月中旬至1月底中共国春节期间大规模流动前就采取行动, covid-19疫情的影响將比現在小得多。

On top of any allegations regarding the role of the CCP in allowing COVID-19 to become a global pandemic, we who work in the field of human rights are more than alert to the many incidents of human rights violations perpetrated by the CCP against Tibetans, Uyghurs, pro-democracy Hongkongers, and anyone who speaks out against the regime or embarrasses party officials. However, it should be remembered that the CCP is not the same as China or her peoples, and that criticism of the CCP should never be mistaken as criticisms of China or her peoples. As such, we stand resolutely together in saying that we are both pro-China, and we both love the country and the peoples of China.


The Chinese Ambassador, Liu Xiaoming, recently wrote in the Financial Times that: “Those who seek to stigmatise China owe Chinese people an apology.” China is said to have a history of 5,000 years, although the earliest written records of China is thought to date from as early as 1250 BC during the Shang Dynasty. In contrast, the CCP’s history only spans back to 1921, and the CCP has only controlled mainland China since 1949, establishing the People’s Republic of China. The CCP’s 70-year rule of China so far is but a small fraction of China’s long history.

中共国大使刘晓明最近在《金融时报》上写道,"那些企图污蔑中国的人,应该向中国人民道歉。" 中国据说有五千年的历史,虽然最早的文字记载认为最早可追溯到公元前1250年的商朝时期。相比之下,中国共产党的历史只能追溯到1921年,而中共从1949年建立中华人民共和国开始,才控制了中国大陆。中共统治中国70年,到目前为止,中共统治中国70年的历史不过是中国漫长历史中的一小部分。

The well-oiled CCP propaganda machine regularly churns out rhetoric across state-controlled media that to be patriotic, you must also love the CCP. However, any criticism of the CCP and its policies is, in reality, no more a criticism of China and her peoples as a criticism of the Royal Family and the Crown, or 10 Downing Street and the governing party, being equivalent to a criticism of the United Kingdom and her peoples as a whole. In a recent conversation one of us had with a media editor in China, the question was raised: “In your personal opinion, do you need to love the CCP to love China?” The editor’s answer: “No. But here is how people are educated, thus to enhance the government’s ruling.”

中共的宣传机器经常在国家控制的媒体上发表各种言论,说爱国就必须爱中共。然而,任何对中共及其政策的批评,实际上,都不是对中国及中国人的批评,就像对皇室和王室、唐宁街10号和执政党的批评,并不是对整个英国及其英国人的批评。最近我们之一与在中共国的一位媒体编辑交谈时,这样一个问题被提出:"就你个人看来,你需要爱中共才能爱中国吗?" 小编回答:"不是的,但这里的人就是这样被教育的,以便提高政府的执政。"

In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle describes political science as that which is concerned with investigating “fine and just actions”, and what constitutes good, fine and just actions will be subject to “variety and fluctuation of opinion”. The ultimate aim of participating in politics is to promote good (Arist. EN I.3.). By participating in any political dialogue in criticising the CCP, our aims are purely to promote what we feel are “fine and just actions” for China and her peoples. Highlighting how one can love one’s country but oppose the serving government, Dr Sun Yat-sen, who opposed the Chinese Government of his day leading the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, is even revered by the People’s Republic of China and mentioned by name in the preamble of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China.

亚里士多德在《尼科玛奇伦理学》中,将政治学描述为研究 "善和正义的行为",而什么是美好、善、正义的行为,将會受到 "观点的多样性和波动性 "的影响。参与政治的最终目的是为了促进善(亚里士多德.EN I.3)。我们参与任何批评中共的政治对话,其目的纯粹是为了促进我们认为对中国和中国人民的 "美好的、正义的行动"。孙中山先生在1911年反对当时的中国政府,推翻了清朝,甚至受到中华人民共和国的尊敬,在《中华人民共和国宪法》的序言中,也提到了他的名字。

Whilst we consider that the CCP must be held accountable, especially those that have resulted in wholesale breaches of human rights, it should also be remembered that this does not make the Chinese people complicit. Indeed, it is the people of China who are the primary victims of the regime’s inhumanity. The unfortunate fact is that the CCP’s propaganda machine prevents many people from knowing the truth of what has happened, and what is happening. World famous dissident artist, Badiucao, did not know of the Tiananmen Square massacre until he came across a documentary embedded in a film that he and his friends at university had downloaded.


Deng Xiaoping, on 10 April 1974, gave a speech at the United Nations. Towards the end of his speech, he said: “If one day China should change her colour and turn into a superpower, if she too should play the tyrant in the world, and everywhere subject others to her bullying, aggression and exploitation, the people of the world should identify her social-imperialism, expose it, oppose it and work together with the Chinese people to overthrow it.” We speak out because, as Deng Xiaoping said, we are identifying, exposing, and opposing the CCP’s social-imperialist policies. We speak out because of our desire to fight injustice, and because of our love for China and her peoples.

1974年4月10日,邓小平在联合国发表讲话。在演讲的最后,他说:"如果有一天,中国改变了它的面貌,变成一个超级大国,如果它还要在世界上扮演暴君的角色,处处都受制于它的欺凌、侵略和剥削時,世界人民就应该认清它的社会帝国主义,揭露它,反对它,与中国人民一起努力推翻它"。我们发言是因为,正如邓小平所说的那样,我们正在辨认、揭露和反对中共的社会主义强权政策。 我们之所以敢于发声,是因为我们渴望与非正义作斗争,因为我们热爱中国和中国人民。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】