Sugar Gliders When life gives you a retarded rat, put wings on it.

Kingdom Animalia. Phylum Chordata. Class Mammalia. Order Marsupialia. Family Petauridae. Genus Petaurus. Species Breviceps.

A sugar glider is basically a mouse with loose flaps of skin to help it glide.

They are native to Australia and did not come to the United States until the 90s. They live in trees and make leaf lined nests in tree hollows.

Sugar gliders are often mistaken as flying squirrels whereas they are actually quite different. Sugar gliders are native to different areas and are actually marsupials, meaning that they carry their young in a belly pouch, much like a kangaroo.

Sugar gliders require very little to survive and stay happy.

A sugar glider needs an enclosure, water, bedding, seeds, food pellets, and about 30 minutes of free times per day.

They are relatively calm and easy pets, other than their stinky nature. They release many odors to reflect their mood or attract a mate which causes their enclosure to smell pretty bad.

Sugar gliders are very social animals and require some personal activities. They are nice and do not bite (mostly). To feed them, simply pour a mix of seeds an food pellets into the bowl.

Sugar gliders have a couple of severe health issues. They are prone to back issues which can lead to hind leg paralysis. They also can become blind relatively easily and you dont want a blind rodent flying through the air.

Sugar gliders have a 16 day gestation period. They typically give birth to one or two young which are stored in the mother's pouch.


Created with images by Ozzy Delaney - "Sugar Glider"

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