Boudoir pricing 2017

Hi this is our pricing list

a la carte

3 uur in de studio 300 euro

  • 3 uur in de studio 300 euro
  • 4 uur in de studio 400 euro
  • 5 uur in de studio 600 euro

Use Page to create a story using text, images, and video. When you're done we'll present your story as a responsive web page that can be viewed in any web browser.

Use Post to create images optimized for social media; you provide images and text and we'll help with the design. We'll even help you create the right shape and size image for each social media platform.

Use Video to create, well, a video. Add videos from your computer or iOS camera roll, overlay text, add your voice and background music, and we’ll help turn your story into an amazing video to share with the world



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