Human Genome Project By Jack Eastly & kyle Kaczmarek

Advancement in Biotechnology - Scientists are now able to determine the sequencing of nucleotides in the human body. Also, many new instruments have been created to aide in mapping human's DNA.

Importance - Scientists are now able to locate gene mutations in the body. Also, scientists are researching new tactics to fight cancer which is a mutation.

Potential Problems - In order to test their theories, scientists need humans to work as test subjects. The problem is finding a humane way to test on people. Insurance agencies and employment places can discriminate against people with certain genetic histories and they can refuse to offer their assistance.

How does it work - Scientists all over the world have been and are working together to decode the whole entire human genome sequence. The sequence includes the bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Scientists have been using the process of DNA sequencing to translate the order of the bases in the genetic code.

How has this technology impacted medicine - Genome analysis is now in the price range for a sophisticated medical test, doctors can now use this to diagnose medical disorders in children. Also doctors can analyze how high or low of a dose a patient needs for a certain medicine that they need.

Ethical Considerations - The public are concerned about discrimination and if people need to go to counseling after they get their test results, and the privacy and the fairness in the use of genetic information

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