Batter Up! Owner: Anjali Karikaran

The thing that inspired me to create my business was my love for baking. I’ve always loved baking sweet,delectable from a young age and I started creating baked goods at a young age too. I have one older brother and live with my mom and dad, I have a cousin who’s older than me who I used to bake with (and still do) when I was little. My favorite subject would have to be social studies. I’m a major procrastinator but when I need to get the job done or if I’m very passionate about what I must do then I’ll work day and night to make sure everything goes as planned.I know many people want to buy high quality treats that don't cost $13.00 for a tiny little cookie so, my business’s mission is to make mouth watering sweet treats that are cheap and affordable, so your mouth and you wallet agree. I calculated it will cost $0.86 to make one cupcake so I plan to sell them for less than $2.00. My business will also donate 5% of its profits to the American Cancer Society.


Created with images by cbaquiran - "birthday cake cake birthday"

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