College Athletes Should they be paid?....

Created by Lacey O'Dowd

While many people think that college athletes live the life of luxury, many people overlook all of the time and energy they have to invest in their sport. This time commitment makes it almost impossible for athletes to do anything outside of studying, practicing, and playing, raising the question, "should these athletes be paid?", which is the question I will research.

With the tremendous amounts of money made through these athletic programs many people find it crazy to not pay the athletes themselves.

Clemson averages 20 million dollars in football ticket sales/ year. Photo taken by me September 10th.

However, this money is not fairly distributed.

"So many people made money off of Alabama-Clemson except for the payers."- USA Today

Currently, schools try to make up for this by offering athletes different scholarships and a collection of free things.

Athletes have spoken out about how these perks don't compensate properly for the time and effort they put into their sport. For example, Richard Sherman talks about his lack of money during his time as a student athlete.

To continue my research, I plan to watch more videos, conduct interviews, read articles, and research data bases to find out more about the commitment by athletes to their programs and where exactly the money generated through these programs is distributed.

Timeline of events

Although no dates have been posted, it is important that my research continues to evolve.

I will have to understand all of the statistics including what money comes in and where it is distributed. I will research the money made by the league, the NCAA, and Clemson University.

I will then have to conduct interviews to help to understand what players contribute to their sports. This includes interviews with players here and with my brother, who plays division one football at a different university. Interviews may also be conducted with non-athlete students to get an outside perspective.

Some key challenges will include finding the correct up to date numbers for revenue, and finding the exact distribution of the money these programs generate.


College athletics is a problem because of the insufficient distribution of money and I plan to investigate current trends and possible solutions.

Works Cited

Clemson Football Why We Work 2016 (Championship Edition). Youtube. Clemson Tigers. Accessed 16 February 2017.

Here's Why the NCAA Should Pay College Football Players. Youtube. THE HERD. Accessed 16 February 2017.

How Much Gear in a Year? Youtube. Clemson Tigers. Accessed 19 February 2017.

Richard Sherman: Student Athlete Education. Youtube. Rickie Edison. Accessed 19 February 2017.


Created with images by VaMedia - "D30_5051a s" • mblouir - "Tiger" • free pictures of money - "Money" • SpreadHDGFX - "Najee Murray Interview"

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