The Globe Theater Lilah Vener period. 6

Quote #1: "Plays were originally performed by the all-male medieval trade guilds, so all women were played by boys" (Anderson 779).

Commentary: The actors were all male because they did not believe that women should be acting in this time period. Women were thought to be only used for homelife.

Quote #2: "It was a large, round (or polygonal) building, three stories high, with a large platform stage that projected from one end into a yard open to the sky" (Anderson 778).

Commentary: The Globe theater was incredibly large and was great for sound. The round and large shape of the theater was the reason for the great sound.

Quote #3: "The Globe, which opened with a performance of Shakespeare's Henry V, could accommodate an audience of about three thousand people, and individuals from all walks of life attended plays there" (Benson).

Commentary: A very large amount of people were influenced by plays. The rich and the poor attended to share their love for theater.

Quote #4: "Many of Shakespeare's greatest plays were written in the first ten years of the company's residence at the globe, and they were first performed there" (Benson).

Commentary: These great plays you might know to be Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, and many more. These plays have made a huge impact on our life today and are still performed.

Quote #5: "The galleries along the sides were covered but most of the structure, including the large raised stage which projected about halfway into the theater, was unroofed" (Benson).

Commentary: This large, open roof made the sound amplified and the large stage allowed the actors to move freely with enough space to do as they pleased.

Quote #6: "By the 1940's, however, the puritan faction had succeeded in shutting down theaters in London" (Benson).

Commentary: The puritans at this time period, shut down the Globe to make room for tenements. This was a big issue for not only play writers, but people who enjoyed watching the plays.

Quote #7: "above this inner stage was a small balcony or upper stage, which could be used to suggest Juliet's balcony or high walls of a castle or the bridge of a ship" (Anderson 779).

Commentary: This upper stage was used to portray a more clear understanding of different elements of the play. It showed the watcher that the actor was in a different place.

Quote #8: "the Globe burned down in 1613, after material from a cannon that was shot off during a performance of Henry VIII set fire to the gallery roof which was made of thatch (thick straw)" (Benson).

Commentary: The first model of the The Globe theater was destroyed. This caused many people sorrow based on the popularity of the theater of the people who came to watch the plays.

Quote #9: "the Globe was torn down in 1644 and housing was built on it's site. A replica of the famous theater now stands on or near it's location in South London" (Benson).

Commentary: The Globe theater now stands in London but remodeled. People still come to watch the amazing plays in that location and new theater.

Quote #10: "In his play Henry V, Shakespeare called his theater a wooden O" (Anderson 778) .

Commentary: The Globe was a very large round shape made out of wood. Hence the name Shakespeare referred to it as.

Works Cited

Anderson, Robert. “Shakespeare and His Theater: A Perfect Match.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 778-80. Benson, Sonia G., and Jennifer York Stock. “Elizabethan World Reference Library.” Gale Virtual Reference Library, 2007,|CX2587000052&docType=GALE. Accessed 7 12 2016.


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